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Fun Farm 1.0
Patagonia Labs inc.
Fun activities in a Farm World!Greats and nice animated activities, ideal for pre-k kids,Parents, help your toddler learn the basics with this fun andsimple preschool learning tool.Fun Farm is a journey to the a real farm life, working in a packingline, finding things at night using your flashlight or placing thefruits in the market's shelf, all the youngsters will beentertained for hours!Keywords: toddler, kids, farm, ABC's, animals, colors, shapes,educational, children, preschool, preschool-aged, learning
Tipsy Love 1
Getting ready for a long night? Then TipsyLove is what you're looking for.Prepare an aphrodisiac drink for your partner while mixing anenergetic drink for yourself.More than 50 recipes that will guarantee endless love.Tipsy Love... where passion meets energy!
Preschool Jobs, When I Grow Up 1.0
Preschool Jobs for kids allows you answer thetypical question about "When I Grow Up..." it is fun andeducational.Your kids will discover Jobs activities and the toolsand places that every activity commonly use.Crisp Images and nice sounds are included!You will have 4 differents activities to help your kids tounderstand the different jobs and possibilities, aim them tolearn!* Profession Card: here you will see one by one the jobs and thetools of each jobs.* Near and Far: This activity will help to understand thedifference between near and far persons.* Work Tools: Here you kid must remember the tool used by eachjobs.* Places: You kid will understand the relation between the schooland the teacher or the hospital and the doctor.We hope you enjoy this app as we enjoy working on it.
Halloween Scream Monster 1.3
Patagonia Labs inc.
Halloween Scream Monster Soundboard has allthemore creepy screams: Ensured amusement!To scare with screams to your friends: choose one monster andscreamprogram into the next 30 or 60 seconds, hide your phone andwatchtheir faces!!!Just keep your finger press over the monster to select one(Pressand hold).Enjoy!
PreSchool Farm 1.2
PreSchool Farm is both fun andeducational.Aimed at ages pre-K through middle school, PreSchoolFarm offerskids a safe environment to discover their abilities andlearn newskills with interactive and fun games.Our commitment to parents and kids, is to connect learning withasense of challenge, fun, and self esteem.
GPS Location on Morse SOS 1.0
Patagonia Labs inc.
Morse SOS is a useful Application, thatwillflash your current location (Lat, Lon, Alt) in a Morse AldisLampfashion, also Morse SOS has a lamp of 6 differents colors incaseof blackout or useful in a camping night . Even more, youcancreate your own messages and get the morse translation.Flash and Vibrator capability.
Armonía 2.2
Patagonia Labs inc.
La aplicación Armonía te permitirá escucharunaprogramación cristiana, con música y contenido que señalanaJesucristo como Señor y Salvador.Armonía es un Ministerio Cristiano que busca difundir las verdadesyprácticas cristianas reveladas en las SagradasEscriturasinterpretadas y aplicadas sobre el principio fundamentalde ellas,que es revelar la voluntad soberana de Dios, de reunirtodas lascosas en Cristo Jesús, su Hijo Eterno, el cual es modelode vida yvirtud para nuestra comisión. Propendiendo a la mejorconsolidaciónde la familia y de todo hombre, promoviendo lasverdades bíblicasde fe, esperanza y amor.Keywords: Radio, Musica, Armonia, Radio Chilena,Chile,Cristiano, Cristiana, Evangélica, Evangélico, Ministerio,Jesus,Jesucristo, Biblia, Fe, Dios, CristoHarmony applicationletsyou listen to Christian programming, music and content thatpointto Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Harmony is a Christian ministry that seeks to disseminateChristiantruths and practices revealed in Scripture interpreted andappliedon the fundamental principle of them, which is to revealthesovereign will of God, to unite all things in Christ, hisEternalSon, which is a model of life and virtue to our committee.Tendingto consolidate the best family and every man, promotingbiblicaltruths of faith, hope and love.Keywords: Radio, Music, Harmony, Radio Chilena, Chile,Christian,Christian, Evangelical, Evangelical Ministry, Jesus,Jesus Christ,Bible, Faith, God, Christ